Stroke, Aged Care and Corporate Services.
Assist with difficulties understanding or expressing language after stroke (known as aphasia) or acquired brain injury.
Speech and voice disorders associated with stroke, traumatic brain injury or neurodegenerative disease
Voice disorders (assessment and treatment).
Feeding and swallowing assessment, management and rehabilitation for adults with (oro-pharyngeal) dysphagia.
Stuttering (Camperdown Program).
Developmental disability.
AllSALT Speech Pathology facilitates the St. George Area Stroke Group on Tuesdays at Mortdale RSL Club.
Partners Include:
3 Bridges Community
A2Z Medical
Ashburn House
Auscare Support
BUPA Aged Care
Calvary Aged Care
Catena Programs & Services
Catholic Health Care
Christadelphian Aged Care
Community Enrichment & Development Association
Focus Care
Holy Spirit Aged Care
Ideal Plan
Jesmond Aged Care
Kelmax Konnects
Majestic Aged Care
Life Time Care
My Plan Manager
Plan Manage Assist
Plan Management Partners
Plan Tracker
Opal Health Care
St Basils (Kogarah & Lakemba)
St Catherine's Aged Care
St George Aged Care Centre
Thomas Holt Villages
Uniting Care
Tender Loving Care Disability Services
Swallowing difficulties
Over 60% of residents within residential aged care have swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). The mismanagement of which is potentially life-threatening. Of residents that do have dysphagia, 50% may not show any visual or audible signs that food or fluids have entered their airway (silent aspiration). After falls, choking is said to be second-highest cause of preventable death within residential aged-care facilities.
Largely, the only time residential care facilities ever call for a Speech Pathologist is when a resident begins to choke on a regular prolonged basis. Reactive dysphagia management is a high risk strategy. The consequences of aspiration are life threatening as it can lead to pneumonia, dehydration and malnutrition.
Knowing what to look for and recognising problems early can be critical to the health of your loved one. If in doubt, don’t wait for the aged care facility to take action, call us yourself and arrange one of our specialized speech pathologists to conduct an assessment.
Some signs to look for include:
Coughing during and after eating and drinking.
Not finishing meals or taking a long time to eat one.
Spitting out food.
Reports of feeling full quickly.
Wetness in vocal tones.
Temperature spikes and/or recurrent chest infections.
As well as advising on swallowing, Speech Pathologists also see residents who have communication deficits resulting from stroke, acquired brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, hearing loss, dementia or any other impairment that can affect speech and language. Current research estimates that up to 95% of residential care recipients are living with at least one communication disorder that can lead to social withdrawal, anxiety and a range of other mental health issues.
A simple assessment from one of our therapists can lead to a better quality of life for the majority of residents in an aged care home. We also run social communication groups to build these skills in a wider context.
Facility In-service
We also provide education services for nursing and catering staff in relation to modified diets and thickened fluid, dysphagia and communication management.
If you would like us to visit your family member contact us today at or have a chat with Sarah on 0412 005 775 if you have any concerns.